I got my PHD degree in Peking University in 2001. And now I am a professor at Yantai University. I am interested in topics on graphs, groups and combinatorics, especially those on symmetric embeddings of graphs on surfaces.
Email wang_yan at pku.org.cn and wang_yan at ytu.edu.cn
★ 近几年访问过的学校:2008年7,8月墨尔本大学;2010年3月美国俄亥俄州立大学;2011年6月台湾交通大学(在新竹市,毗邻清华大学);2012年2月韩国岭南大学,成文馆大学;2012年福州大学组合中心(成立十周年庆);2013年中南大学(长沙);2014年斯洛伐克科技大学(访问学者)。
★ 参加过的学术会议:1999年全国图论与组合会议(山东烟台);2000年海峡两岸图论与组合会议(江苏南京);2002年韩国-匈牙利群与组合会议(浦项工大);2005年海峡两岸图论与组合会议(浙江金华);2006年韩国济州岛代数图论会议(岭南大学承办);2006年贵州大学拓扑研讨班(天元基金赞助);2007年国际群与组合会议(浦项工大组合与计算中心承办);2009年海峡两岸图论与组合会议(南开大学);2010年国际群论,组合,图论会议(美国俄亥俄州立大学承办,为了庆祝享誉世界的数学家Laci Babai的60岁生日…又一只老虎);2011年海峡两岸图论与组合数学会议;2012年全国群论会议(伊宁);2013年海峡两岸图论与组合数学会议(长沙);2014年图论会议(国际数学家大会卫星会议,北京交大);2016年“图的对称性”国际会议(新西兰皇后镇);2018年“对称图”国际会议(三亚);2018年全国群论会议(兰州大学)。
★ 承办的学术会议:2011年5月承办“群论与组合数学发展研讨会”。
★ 合作者:方新贵教授(北京大学);冯荣权教授(北京大学);D.F. Hsu (Chairman of Department of Computer and Information Sciences, Fordham Univ., USA); Jin Ho Kwak (POSTECH); Jaeun Lee (韩国岭南大学); Jozef Siran (Slovakia University of Science and Technology); Robert Jajcay (Indianna University),曲海鹏教授(山西师大);李才恒教授(南方科大).
★ 教过的课程:高等代数,解析几何,近世代数,线性代数,图论,拓扑,有限群,拓扑图论,代数图论,有限群的线性表示,专业英语.
★ 我的研究生:2007级张文文,孙凯光,王建军;2010级常星花(和中科院海岸带研究所高猛博士联合培养),张淑霞,朱庆华;2011级李祎; 2013级 袁凯,侯东东; 2016级张蕾; 2018级张星。
1. R. Jajcay, C.-H. Li, J. Siran and Y. Wang, Regular and orientably-regular maps with quasiprimitive automorphism groups on vertices, Geometriae Dedicata 203 (2019), 389–418.
1. K. Yuan, Y. Wang and H.P. Qu, Classification of regular balanced Cayley maps of minimal non-abelian metacyclic groups, Ars Mathematica Contemporanea 14 (2018) pp. 433-443.
2. Hou Dongdong, Wang Yan, Qu Haipeng, Regular Balanced Cayley maps of p-groups with a cyclic maximal subgroup, Advanced in Math. Vol. 47, No. 3 (2018).
Yuan Kai, Wang Yan and Jin Ho Kwak, Enumeration of skew-morphisms of cyclic groups of small orders and their corresponding Cayley maps, Advances in Math. Vol. 45, No. 1 (2016) pp 21-36.
He, Zhihong; Volkmann, Lutz; Wang, Yan,Complementary Cycles in Almost Regular Multipartite Tournaments,Ars Combinatoria, 113A, pp 201-224, 2014/1.
Yang, Yujun; Wang, Yan; Li, Yi,The Global Cyclicity Index of Benzenoid Chains ,Journal of Chemistry, 2013.
R. Bruce Richter, Jozef Širáň and Yan Wang, Self-dual and self-petrie-dual regular maps, Article first published online: 9 FEB 2011 | DOI: 10.1002/jgt.20570
R.Q. Feng, R. Jajcay and Y. Wang, Regular t-balanced Cayley maps for abelian groups, in Discrete Mathematics.
[1] Yan Wang, Rongquan Feng, Jaeun Lee, Typical Frobenius Coverings, Acta Math. Sinica, English Series, Vol.26, No. 11, (2010) 2209-2214.
[2] Yan Wang, Wenwen Zhang, Kirchhoff Index of Cyclopolyacenes, Z. Naturforsch. 65a, (2010) 865 - 870 .
[3] Yan Wang, Wenwen Zhang, Kirchhoff Index of Linear Pentagonal Chains, International J. of Quan. Chem.110, No.9 (2010) 1594-1604.
[4] Z.H. He and Y. Wang, Weakly Cycle Complementary $3$-partite Tournaments, published on line by Graphs and Combinatorics
[5] Jozef Sirán and Yan Wang, Maps with highest level of symmetry that are even more symmetric than other such maps: Regular maps with large exponent groups, in Combinatorics and Graphs, Contemporary Mathematics, vol. 531, Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, RI, 2010, pp. 95-102.
[1] Y. Wang, A family of tetravalent Frobenius graphs, Ars Combinatoria 92 (2009), 131-136.
[1] Y. Wang, One Class of Valency-4 Frobenius Graphs, Advances in Mathematics, Feb., Vol. 36, No. 1 (2007), 115-118.
[1] Y. Wang, X.G. Fang and D.F. Hsu, On the edge-forwarding indices of Frobenius graphs, Acta Mathematica Sinica, English Series, Nov., Vol. 22, No. 6 (2006), 1735-1744.
[1] Y. Wang and J.H. Kwak, Frobenius maps, Discrete Mathematics 303 (2005), 117-130.
[2] Y. Wang and R.Q. Feng, Regular balanced Cayley maps for cyclic, dihedral and generalized quaternion groups, Acta Mathematica Sinica, English Series, Aug., Vol. 21, No. 4 (2005), 773-778.
[1] J.H. Kwak and Y. Wang, Real genus of minimal nonnilpotent groups, J. of Algebra 281(2004), 150-160.
[1] Y. Wang and F.Yu, When closed graph manifolds are finitely covered by surface bundles over , Acta Mathematica Sinica, English Series, 15(1999), 11-20.
(4) 山东省自然科学基金“Cayley图理论,分批调度问题”(2008-2010,主持人)。
(7)国家外国专家局项目(Corresponding to J.H.Kwak),2011.